Pandemic Memories

a collection of memories to practice using collection builder


I begin my pandemic memories in March 2020, on administrative leave, wondering if our daughter would reach her spring break before I needed to pick her up. I drove east days early, after a late Saturday call the day after UB had announced it was shutting down. On my way there I pumped gas with Clorox wipes and everyone avoided coming close to one another, especially as I got closer to the east coast.

Maddy and Han drove to Buffalo with me, where Han’s father met us and would not even enter the house before turning around for Indiana.

A mixed bag of family pods, Zoom time to Florida and California. Bonus time with the college-aged daughter, movies, walking, cooking, baking, working, working out, wondering what would happen. Back to teaching, remotely in one large class fall 2020 and a small in-person class, then remotely in spring 2021. Large class remote 2021, back in person spring 2022 teaching “Plagues and Pandemics.” Case of Covid to finish off the experience.